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Worthington Tissue Dissociation Guide
How to Cite Worthington Literature
Please use the following guide to cite any Worthington literature or website information. You can reference examples for each particular format below.
How to Cite the Worthington Enzyme Manual
- Print version example (using Papain on page 280):
Papain, in Worthington Enzyme Manual, (Worthington, K., and Worthington, V., Eds.), 280 (1993). - Online version example (also using Papain):
Worthington Enzyme Manual. Worthington, K., and Worthington, V. (2011). Worthington Biochemical Corporation. date of access (
How to Cite the Worthington Biochemical Tissue Dissociation Guide
- Print version example (using the Hepatocyte Isolation System, page 13):
Hepatocyte Isolation System, in Worthington Biochemical Corporation Tissue Dissociation Guide, (Santangelo, C., Ed.), 13 (2008). - Online version example:
Worthington Biochemical Online Tissue Dissociation Guide. Santangelo, C. 2011. Worthington Biochemical Corporation. date of access (
Copyright by Worthington Biochemical Corporation All rights reserved. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form, except for the quotation of brief passages in reviews, without prior written permission from Worthington Biochemical Corporation, 730 Vassar Avenue, Lakewood, New Jersey 08701. Worthington, K., Worthington, V., and Santangelo, C., Editors.
Tissue Tables
The Worthington Tissue Tables provide references useful to researchers interested in tissue dissociation and cell harvesting procedures. The references are organized by Tissue and Species type and linked to PubMed citations. The Cell type, Enzymes, and Medium for each reference is provided.
To search by specific criteria, use the Tissue References Search Tool.