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Amylase, Beta References

Balls, A. , Walden, M. and Thompson, R.
Chapman, G. , Pallas, J. and Mendicino, J.
Englard, S. and Singer, T.
Physicochemical Studies on beta-Amylase ,
J Biol Chem
, 213 , 1950
Francofraguas, L. and Batistaviera, F.
French, D.
beta-Amylases , The Enzymes, 2nd Ed. Vol. 4 , P. Boyer, H. Lardy, and K. Myrback , Academic Press, NY , 345 , 1960
Henis, Y. , Yaron, T. , Lamed, R. , Rishpon, J. , Sahar, E. and Katchalski-Katzir, E.
Kohno, A. , Nanmori, T. and Shinke, R.
Mikami, B. , Morita, Y. and Fukazawa, C.
Morita, Y. , Aibara, S. , Yamashita, H. , Yagi, F. , Suganuma, T. and Hiromi, K.
Myrback, K. and Neumuller, G.
Amylases and the Hydrolysis of Starch and Glycogen , The Enzymes Vol. 1, Pt.1 , J. Sumner and K. Myrback , Academic Press, NY , 653 , 1950
Nummi, M. , Niku-Paavola, M. and Enzri, T.
Isoelectric Properties of Barley beta-Amylase ,
Acta Chem Scand
, 1711 , 1972
Oyama, T. , Kusunoki, M. , Kishimoto, Y. , Takasaki, Y. and Nitta, Y.
Rowe, A. and Weill, C.
The Inhibition of beta-Amylase by Ascorbic Acid ,
Biochim Biophys Acta
, 245 , 1962
Shinke, R. , Kunimi, Y. and Nishira, H.
Shinke, R. , Kunimi, Y. and Nishira, H.
Shinke, R. , Kunimi, Y. and Nishira, H.
Spradlin, J. and Thoma, J.
Spradlin, J. , Thoma, J. and Filmer, D.
Subbaramaiah, K. and Sharma, R.
Takeda, Y. and Hizukuri, S.
Effect of Triton X-100 on Sweet Potato beta-Amylase ,
Biochim Biophys Acta
, 175 , 1972
Takeda, Y. and Hizukuri, S.
Thoma, J. and Koshland, D.
Thoma, J. , Koshland, D. Shinke, R. and Ruscica, J.
Thoma, J. , Koshland, D. , Ruscica, J. and Baldwin, R.
Vretblad, P.